Boston Cream Pie & Strawberry Shortcake #Popsicles

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I’m pretty in love with popsicles right now.
Especially with summer right around the corner, it’s a perfectly timed craze 🙂

My Zoku Duo Quick Pops Maker is my new favorite appliance.
(It freezes popsicles in 7 minutes!!)

And of course I don’t do just any popsicles. 
These are dessert popsicles.
Cake popsicles.
With actual cake mixed in with creamy (and totally good for you) Boston Cream Pie Yogurt.

The Boston Cream Pie pop is smothered in chocolate, for a decadent, true cake-like experience.

And the Strawberry Shortcake is mixed with pureed strawberries– 
you may even like this better than the real thing!

I used Yoplait’s Boston Cream Pie flavored yogurt for both of these pops, but I also noticed that they have an actual Strawberry Shortcake Flavor– and I’m sure that one is delicious too!
If you’re getting ready for swimsuit season— this is actually a great recipe for you!
While you can use any cake recipe in these popsicles, the recipe I’m providing is extremely low cal/sugar/fat. Be sure to also use light yogurt and skim milk— 
and you’ve got a delicious, skinny* warm-weather treat!

*In the recipe for the Boston Cream Pie popsicle, note that I just call for “chocolate topping” with no measurements or specific type of chocolate topping. This is because you can really use any kind of chocolate you’d like– depending on the nutritional value you want the pop to have. You can add anything from a few chocolate chips into the actual popsicle, to chocolate ganache (like I did, because it was handy), to Magic Shell, or nothing at all! Totally up to you!!

I was not compensated by Zoku or by Yoplait for writing this post.
However, tomorrow I will be posting an official review of the Zoku Duo Quick Pops Maker and I was provided a sample of the product to review at no cost. 

Boston Cream Pie Popsicles
Yields: 4 Popsicles
  • 1 single serving cup Yoplait Boston Cream Pie Yogurt (light)
  • 1/3 c. skim milk
  • 3 sugar free yellow cupcakes
  • Chocolate topping
  1. Blend together all ingredients except chocolate topping. Pour into Zoku Duo Quick Pops Maker or into a regular popsicle mold.
  2. Once frozen and removed, add chocolate topping if desired.
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Strawberry Shortcake Popsicles
by Yields: 4 Popsicles
  • 1 single serving Yoplait Boston Cream Pie Yogurt (light)
  • 1/3 c. skim milk
  • 1 large strawberry or 2 small/medium strawberries
  • 3 sugar free yellow cupcakes
  1. Cap and slice the strawberries.
  2. Blend all ingredients together until smooth.
  3. Pour into Zoku Duo Quick Pops Maker or into popsicle mold.
  4. Remove when frozen.
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Sugar Free Yellow Cupcakes
Yields: 12 cupcakes
  • Pillsbury sugar free yellow cake mix
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 c. water
  1. Whisk together all ingredients.
  2. Pour batter into 12 cupcake liners.
  3. Bake in muffin tin for 20 minutes at 350º. Let cool before using in popsicle recipes.
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21 thoughts on “Boston Cream Pie & Strawberry Shortcake #Popsicles”

  1. Oh what a fun and “cool” little gadget:-) Do they have one that makes more than 2 at a time? That is key when you have 3 kids!!! I am loving the flavors you have come up with so far!!!


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