Grow Happy Goal: Body posted by Something Swanky Pin Share Tweet Email SomethingSwanky is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. This post is sponsored by Knowledge Universe. I may have received product or monetary compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion of and personal experience with this brand. In case you are wondering wondering how surfing a dessert blog landed you on a post all about healthful family habits, be sure to check out my first Grow Happy post for the run-down on this awesome initiative that I’m a part of in conjunction with Knowledge University. There’s also a pretty dang good healthy (and sweet) recipe, so seriously click over and check it out! I’m so thrilled to be posting about the Grow Happy initiative again. I think this is a GREAT opportunity for families to identify healthful changes they need to make and to have a very simple and easy-to-follow outline for setting and reaching those healthful goals together. So what is the Grow Happy initiative? Knowledge Universe launched the Grow Happy initiative to offer families tools, tips, recipes, advice and inspiration that can help us all make simple, small changes that can lead to healthier lifestyles. They’ve created this step-by-step printable Goals Tracker to lead your family through setting realistic goals and tracking them. There are three goal-setting sections in the Goal Tracker: Food, Body, and Mind. My last post was all about my family making goals to improve our eating. So far, so good. Keeping the tracker visible reminds me that I’m working to keep my family healthy, not just me. Keeping my daughter’s health in mind has been very motivating. The next section of goals we’ve focused on is body. These goals are all about being active and getting enough rest. We’re pretty good already at getting enough activity in our days. We love to go to the park together. Emma keeps us running after her all day long, and we definitely stay on the move! Our major challenge is GETTING ENOUGH REST. And I mean, all three of us struggle with this. So the goals we set centered around rest– getting enough sleep, and preparing our bodies to rest by limiting screen time each day, especially before bed time. I’ve read several studies that indicate an increased amount of screen time in a day can have a negative impact on sleep time (not to mention it can, obviously, keep us from being active during awake time), so I was impressed to see these screen time-related suggested goals on the Goals Tracker. Here are the BODY goals we set: Get 8 hours of sleep every night. Turn off any screens 30 minutes before bed time. Limit screen time to 90 minutes per day. Limiting screen time is definitely a challenge for us. With Chris in school, me working full-time as a blogger, and the ever-present temptation to let the TV babysit Emma while we work… these goals may prove to be more difficult to reach than our food goals have been. But we are determined to improve the health of our family, and I know getting enough rest will have such a positive impact on our bodies! Especially as we continue to be so active in the coming spring and summer months. Knowledge Universe, which teaches and cares for 130,000 kids aged infant through school aged every day in its KinderCare Learning Centers, CCLC (Childrens’ Creative Learning Centers) and Champions programs, just announced the company is teaming up with Michelle Obama’s Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) to help fight childhood obesity. Knowledge Universe is committing to healthy, PHA-approved practices in all of its 2,000 early learning and before-and-after school extended learning centers and sites across the country. Inspired by their PHA commitments, the company launched the Grow Happy initiative to offer families tools, tips, recipes, advice and inspiration that can help us all make simple, small changes that can lead to healthier lifestyles. I’m excited to join in and set some healthy goals for my family, and share our progress here! Visit the Grow Happy Blog for helpful tips and suggestions to get your family started!