XL Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie for One {or Two} Recipe

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Extra large chocolate chip cookie

You guys.

This is seriously the chocolate chip cookie for me! Golden, wrinkly, crinkly around the edges and wonderfully soft, chewy, and slightly under-baked in the center. And so chock-full of chocolate chips you’ll think you’ve died and gone to heaven.

In fact, this is exactly how I’d like to get my smaller cookies to look. For some reason, I can’t seem to get those to bake up to the same consistency– but this cookie has given me a few theories on how to do that, so hopefully it won’t be too long before I’ve got those figured out too!

But back to the gigantically massive cookie for one. Or two, if you’re the sharing type.

Which I am not.

super chewy chocolate chip cookie

It’s perfect for those times when you’ve justgottahaveacookie! but you don’t want to make an entire batch (and scoop all that cookie dough). All you need is a small bowl and spoon to whip up the dough, and it takes about 15 minutes in the oven to bake.

While I like to think I could scarf this bad boy all by myself, the truth is that it’s probably more of an appropriate serving for two humans. You could even bake it up into two separate cookies (but adjust the baking time!) if you’d like to have totally separate servings.

That’s how *I* am about sharing food– we need to have TOTALLY separate servings. If my husband and I share a meal at a restaurant, I always ask them to bring the meal out on two separate plates so it actually looks like two separate orders. Otherwise I just can’t do it. Sharing food makes me nuts. It’s one of my lesser known (yet MAJOR) pet peeves. My husband thinks I’m crazy.

…and a bit of a pig 😉

So if we were going to share this XL cookie, my husband and I would definitely have to be in the separate-but-equal cookies camp. I don’t think I could stand to actually cut it in half and give him some. (the horror!)

extra large and delicious chocolate chip cookie

If you like chewy, crispy, golden cookies, this is the recipe for you! And I had so much fun making and eating this monstrous cookie, that I can definitely promise more gigantic cookie recipes here soon 🙂

This recipe is adapted from my current front runner CCC recipe in my Chocolate Chip Cookie experiment!

XL Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

XL Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Yield: 1 or 2 cookies


  • 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cups miniature semisweet chocolate chips


    1. Preheat oven to 350ºF.
    2. Stir together the butter and sugars until thick and completely mixed.
    3. Mix in the egg yolk and vanilla extract.
    4. Add the baking soda, salt, and flour to the bowl. Mix until dough forms. Fold in chocolate chips.
    5. Scoop cookie dough onto a lined (parchment or silicone) baking sheet.
    6. Bake for 15-17 minutes until edges are golden brown. Let cool for a few minutes on the baking sheet before digging in!


If you're splitting this into two cookies, decrease baking time by 2-3 minutes.

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11 thoughts on “XL Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie for One {or Two} Recipe”

  1. I’m totally making this with one of my bazillion egg yolks I never use due to egg white omlettes. At last, I can make cookies with the yolks, after I eat a healthy egg white omlette 🙂

    Question for you…and normally I am not this person..bu tdo you think that scaling back the sugar slightly would be okay, given what you observed with the batter firsthand? Just 1/2 c sugar for  1 cookie is alot of cardio…LOL

  2. Um, I feel obligated to inform you of the egregious typo in your title. It says “for two” which is definitely incorrect — more like for one, and specifically, for ME and ME ONLY! 🙂 I’m serious about my c.c. cookies and I definitely don’t share! 

  3. I totally understand on the sharing thing!  I need separate plates from my husband because I swear he doesn’t chew his food and can down a plate of food in no time flat which would leave me with nothing to eat.  So I don’t share with him either!!  Love this cookie!!  Pinned! 


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