Easy Green Smoothie Recipe posted by Something Swanky Pin Share Tweet Email Jump to Recipe SomethingSwanky is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Emma was a horrible eater right out of the gate. She’s just never been interested in eating. She’d rather be doing just about anything else. Around 18 months, we discovered that she was crazy about strawberry milkshakes, so we started making daily smoothies– which she also loved (much to our relief). And even though she’s a little better about eating meals these days (a very little better), she still likes to have a couple of smoothies every day. And considering all the good stuff I can put in a smoothie, I feel pretty okay with that! She may only have a hot dog and a half cup of ketchup on her lunch plate, but at least I know she’ll slurp down a banana, strawberries, peaches, pineapple, mangoes, spinach, and yogurt in the same sitting. It makes her mass ketchup consumption a little less horrific. I know that smoothies, in general, aren’t very hard to make. But I decided to title this “Easy” Green Smoothie,” because I think it’s a little bit easier to throw together than some of the other smoothies I’ve tried. I love using that Great Value bag of frozen fruit. It’s seriously the best tasting frozen fruit (and the best deal, from what I’ve found). I love that I don’t have to cut up the fruit myself (I know, color me lazy). And I love that I don’t have to worry about fruit getting soft or going bad if we do end up skipping a day or two of smoothies. I do like to use fresh bananas for the consistency they add, but if you buy those a little bit green, they’ll last for a while. And you can add them to this smoothie at any point in their ripe-ness and it still tastes great. I like using the Light & Fit Yogurt Cups (with no Aspartame), mostly for the grown-ups in the house, but you could use any type of yogurt you like. We’ve also used different flavors! But I always come back to vanilla 🙂 And you can’t even taste the spinach that goes in! You can seriously add tons and tons without affecting the taste at all. The only taste that comes through is delicious tropical fruit flavors, strawberry, banana, and vanilla! You know what else makes this smoothie SUPER easy? My single serve blending cup that came in this Mega Ninja Kitchen System. I. love. it. I mean, I love the whole kitchen system. The 1500 watts, huge blending pitcher, and the food processor that includes a dough paddle. But, oh man. I really love those single serve blending cups. With all the smoothies we go through, it’s seriously makes life so much easier! If you don’t have a Ninja, you can still blend up a single serve smoothie using a mason jar and a standard blender base. Like this. Or you can simply enter the giveaway below to win YOUR OWN Mega Ninja Kitchen System! Yay! I’d go with the second option if I were you 😉 a Rafflecopter giveaway Winner has been drawn and contacted. Will update with name upon confirmation. Anyway. We love this smoothie! It’s so good for you and so yummy. On the rare occasion Emma does request a “pink” smoothie, since we’re lovers of all things pink over here, I start singing “hungry, hungry herbivore” and she’s shoving in the spinach before I know it! So there’s a little tip for all you Dinosaur Train families out there 😉 Hope you love this as much as we do! Continue to Content Easy Green Smoothie Print Ingredients 1/2 cup frozen fruit 1 medium banana 6 oz cup yogurt a handful of baby spinach (any amount is a good amount!) Instructions Ultimately, all of the ingredients are simply going into the blender cup and getting blended. I do have one important suggestion though: add the ingredients so that the frozen fruit is the furthest layer from the blade. If you're using a single blending cup, like I do, add the frozen fruit first, then the banana, spinach, and yogurt since the blade goes on top. If you're using a pitcher in a standard blender, add them in the reverse order since the blade is on the bottom. Add as much or as little spinach as you would like. You could even add more spinach after you've blended it up once-- it'll leave some more room to fill! Smoothies from Friends: Strawberry Orange Dream Smoothie by San Fransisco Kitchen Detox Smoothie by Sally’s Baking Additiction Cat in the Hat Smoothie by Crazy for Crust Don’t miss a bite! Connect with Something Swanky:
“Color me lazy” made me lol- cutting fruit is the worst. My girls love fruit, and I can’t wait until Sophia graduates from “infant” pieces to regular- just because it means less cutting!! Haha! Reply
I l.o.v.e. your blog!!! Thanks for the chuckles and great perspective on food, and all that encopasses the foodie experience. We all have our hurdles but your outlook helps me want to conquer them. The Ninja would be an awesome piece of equipment to have and to hold! (more like covet) 🙂 Reply
Hey Ashton! I love this recipe! In all honesty, I’ve always been too scared to add spinach to my smoothies, but you made me not be so worried anymore! I’ll try it. And, this is a great giveaway. My husband and I would be HUGE fans of the NInja Kitchen System! Reply
I love this so very much. We are very into smoothies in our house too. Our little lady adores them and like you I love that I can sneak so much goodness into something she thinks is a super special treat 🙂 Great minds girlfriend 🙂 Reply
Why are kids so obsessed with ketchup??? Mine are too!! This is a great idea, Ashton!! I should start in on some smoothies, since Quinn is a picky eater too . . . at this very moment I am torturing her by making her eat oatmeal 🙂 Reply
I just heard about the Ninja a couple of weeks ago… Ok, I’ll admit it, I’m a little behind in the kitchen appliance dept. But since I’ve recently been diagnosed with diabetes, I’m changing all my eating habits, so I’ve been thinking about getting one, to make smoothies. Winning one would be even better. Reply
I’ve been using that same frozen fruit mix and spinach for green smoothies too! only I have been using Lifeway Kefir instead of regular yogurt. I am so hooked on these. I have one almost everyday. another added bonus is to trade out the yogurt for a dollop of coolwhip at the end! 😉 Reply
I have never made a smoothie, but this makes me want to start! I just have a question about the frozen fruit you mentioned. Is that a WalMart brand? If not, where do you get it from? Thanks! Reply
Green Smoothies are awesome! This Ninja System looks so versatile I wouldn’t need a juicer, food processor and blender~ this does it all! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂 Reply
I have a very out~dated kitchen, with appliances that are prehistoric. I am trying to eat healthier since I have developed some health issues… better late than never! The green smoothy caught my eye; looks delish! The Ninja System would be awesome to own, definitely would make making the smoothy a little easier! Thanks! Reply
I make this every morning. Is very thick however and I have added one ingredient which is a bit of coconut water. Coconut water is very hydrating and good for you and helps considerably with the consistency. Love this, thank you. Reply
Hello! Just discovered your blog while looking for a green smoothie. This looks so yum!! Thank you for sharing! I might try myself and link your blog to the post when I test out my results 🙂 Also, I did have a question. I have a free wordpress blog but am wanting to do one with a more customized layout. I was wondering if you had a website designer that you used and could recommend as your layout is very nice!!! My blog is about crafting, cooking, journaling, and my dogs 🙂 If you would not mind emailing me at muffinsandmocha@hotmail.com I would be incredibly appreciative <3 Reply